I-5 Iowa Street Viaduct Improvements | Portland , Oregon
$38 million – Competitive Bid
ODOT | Wildish Standard Paving Co.
The Iowa Street Viaduct on Interstate 5 is part of one of the busiest, most accident-prone stretches of interstate in the country. On an average day, more than 130,000 vehicles travel on it. The Oregon Department of Transportation turned to Wildish Standard Paving Co. to handle the challenge associated with improving the viaduct. The most unique aspect was the difficulty providing access to the site in three stages while maintaining three lanes of traffic both ways.
The site spans a canyon with steep sides, allowing access only from either end. In the second stage of the project, there was no room for two cranes, so Wildish designed and built a trolley gantry with a 50-ton chain hoist to set girders.
Throughout the project, crews removed old bridge material, installed new material, and moved concrete trucks and crews to the site without disrupting traffic, finishing the project on time and on budget.